Tag: workforce
Business leaders weigh in at Mid-Year Review
Panelists Lee Eilers, Brad Johnson, Pankaj Monga, Kent Statler and Heidi Vittetoe discuss trade, workforce and technology challenges as part of the CBJ’s Mid-Year...
CBJ Q&A: Jennifer Daly
Jennifer Daly, speaking at the CBJ's 2017 Manufacturing Conference in Cedar Rapids. PHOTO ADAM MOORE
By CBJ Editorial Board
[email protected]
Jennifer Daly has been busy since returning...
Four ways to increase employee retention
By Brenda LaMarche / Guest Column
In today’s competitive employment market, employee retention is a hot topic. The key is employee engagement, which has its...
Corridor recruiters playing the long game
Recruiters are starting earlier and getting creative in the fight for talent.
By Dave DeWitte
[email protected]
The tightest labor market in years has some employers building relationships...
CR businesses upbeat on city – minus floods
By Dave DeWitte
[email protected]
The latest survey of Cedar Rapids businesses found flood protection to be the largest single...
CR native leads launch of Google job-search feature
Google's new job search feature is designed to make the job search process easier by eliminating listing duplication and providing easier access to applications....
Celebrating the 2016 Workforce Awards
Eleven Corridor companies were honored for their successful recruitment and retention strategies during a Nov. 17 breakfast. The full list can be found in...
Engagement promises happy employees, customers
By Lynn Manternach / Guest Column
Only about a third of workers in the United States are engaged in their jobs, according to recent Gallup...
Minimum wage hike recommended for Linn County
Cedar Rapids Mayor Ron Corbett shown during the 2015 State of the City speech. The mayor was among Linn County's Minimum Wage Study Group...
TelePharm finds its prescription for fun
TelePharm staff members hit the lanes in Cedar Rapids Bowling Center in February as part of the Bowl for Kids' Sake fundraiser for Big...