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Tag: affordable care act

ACA Health Insurance open enrollment deadline approaching

The deadline to enroll in the Affordable Care Act Health Insurance Marketplace is approaching. Iowans have until Saturday, Jan. 15, to enroll. If someone misses...

His Hands offering ACA Marketplace sign-up assistance

His Hands, a local free health clinic serving Cedar Rapids and surrounding areas for almost 30 years, is helping the community sign up for...

Affording Health: Promising solutions, but poor results

This five-part, subscribers-only series is exploring the crisis of health care affordability as it relates to employers and employees in the Corridor. This final...

Affording Health: Will the ACA survive its latest challenge?

This six-part, subscribers-only series is exploring the crisis of health care affordability as it relates to employers and employees in the Corridor. This week’s...

Affording Health: Sick, stressed and reporting for duty

In this six-part, subscribers-only series, the CBJ is exploring the crisis of health care affordability as it relates to employers and employees in the...

Businesses finding (insurance) safety in numbers

By Dave DeWitte [email protected] Some self-employed business owners and farmers who purchased individual health insurance through Iowa’s health care exchanges are now turning to the group...

Obamacare overshadows Health Care Summit

By Dave DeWitte With the health care environment changing rapidly, speakers at the Corridor Business Journal’s 2014 Health Care Summit described what employers are doing...

Affordable Care Act changes affect small businesses

By Cathy Johnson / Guest Editorial It was recently announced that the Small Business Health Options Program, known as the SHOP Marketplace, will not offer...

The Affordable Care Act: The Key to Open

By Patricia Brown-Dixon / Guest Editorial There are currently 23 million self-employed entrepreneurs in the United States, and that number continues to rise. In Iowa alone,...

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