Tag: ag
ContinuumAg heads to Memphis for ag accelerator
ContinuumAg founder and CEO Mitchell Hora, who will lead the Washington-based startup through AgLaunch365 accelerator. CREDIT TWITTER
By Adam Moore
[email protected]
A Washington-based soil testing company is...
Rantizo looks to drones as ag’s next frontier
A six-rotor hexacopter drone is being used by Rantizo as it develops its autonomous crop spraying system. PHOTO RANTIZO
By Dave DeWitte
[email protected]
A fleet of 10...
Indian Creek plots new demonstration farm
Elyse Robinson and John Myers of the Indian Creek Nature Center show off the barn at Etzel Sugar Grove Farm, which will be guided...
Iowa’s ag industry looks to build on export strengths
Despite trade & biofuel concerns, Trump seen as ‘net positive’ for ag
By Emery Styron
[email protected]
“I want a drive-up window in that wall,” says Iowa State...