The UI Health Care– Iowa River Landing location opened its doors a decade ago.
When it opened, the main campus at University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics was filling up fast. UI Health Care needed to find a way to increase access for patients, a news release sent by UI Health Care explains.
The solution: a five-story ambulatory care clinic building in Coralville’s Iowa River Landing (IRL) development. The new location quickly became a hub for many routine outpatient visits and procedures, reducing pressure on the main UI Hospitals & Clinics campus.
Since then, UI Health Care– Iowa River Landing has grown considerably and now averages close to 20,000 patient visits per month, according to the release.
The clinic has expanded to 17 specialties and added a procedure suite and more clinical rooms.
“We expected the Iowa River Landing location to experience continued growth, and that’s exactly what we’ve seen over the past 10 years,” says Rami Boutros, MD, a practicing pediatrician and executive medical director of off-site ambulatory programs at UI Health Care, in the release. “I’m proud we’ve been able to serve many more Iowans than we may have been able to otherwise.”
According to the release, patients who visit the Iowa River Landing Clinic come from all over Iowa, with significant numbers traveling from Cedar Rapids, Quad Cities, and southeast Iowa. Located off Interstate 80, UI Health Care– Iowa River Landing provides Iowans with increased access to primary and specialty care.
“We have space to accommodate more visits, and we’ve been able to improve the patient experience by making services convenient, such as blood draws starting at 7:15 a.m. Monday to Saturday,” says Steve Woodward, director of clinical services at UI Health Care– Iowa River Landing, in the release. “We also find the evening and Saturday hours are very helpful for patients who need flexibility.”