Tag: ICR
Inclusive ICR launches free diversity, equity and inclusion assessment for area employers
*This story was originally posted on April 18*
Inclusive ICR, a regional coalition with a mission to grow diversity and inclusion in the workforce throughout...
Opinion: Cancel the ICR Iowa brand
When a business has a product, service or brand that isn’t being embraced, typically leaders of the business will either change, sell or cancel...
ICR Iowa continues with modifications
CBJ Editorial
Since the pandemic started there has been a noticeable quietness to the region’s economic development strategy.
Tom Cilek’s New Best Friend: Craig Byers
If you’ve been in the Corridor business community for even a short time, you already know Tom Cilek. He’s a senior vice president at...
Annual brand confusion reins
CBJ EditorialÂ
It’s the time of year for those annual meetings of economic development organizations in the Corridor, where members network and receive an update...
Editorial: Sizing up ICR, the new regional brand
Editorial / By CBJ Editorial Board
Instead of hiring a regional branding firm and engaging with more than 1,500 people to deÂvelop a regional brand...