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Tag: brian crowe

Retail churn worries spawn ideas, strategies

Gordmans, located at Lindale Market Place in Cedar Rapids, with new tenant Boot Barn shown in the distance. Gordmans will soon be closing, leaving...

Greenfield projects coming down the pipe in Cedar Rapids

By Dave DeWitte [email protected] Despite the recession caused by COVID-19 – or partly because of it – the Corridor has seen a surge of interest from...

Regionalism takes a step back

CBJ Editorial  ICR Iowa, the joint venture between the Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance and Iowa City Area Development Group (ICAD), is on its last...

CBJ Q&A: Jennifer Daly

Jennifer Daly, speaking at the CBJ's 2017 Manufacturing Conference in Cedar Rapids. PHOTO ADAM MOORE   By CBJ Editorial Board [email protected] Jennifer Daly has been busy since returning...

Q&A: Brian Crowe

Q&A: Brian Crowe Economic Development Strategist Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance   By CBJ News Staff [email protected] Brian Crowe of the Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance is deeply embedded in...

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