Occupation: Program Director, Pediatric Integrated Health – Four Oaks
What are your greatest professional achievements: I would consider the following among my greatest professional achievements: Securing more than $55 million in federal funding to support a variety of causes; and building and expanding two large and successful programs to help disadvantaged kids, one to encourage low-income high school students pursue careers in medicine, the other to improve physical and mental health for more than 1,000 children in our community.
Who are your mentors: I have been fortunate to work for and with some very smart and passionate people throughout my career, and would find it difficult to name them all.
Best advice you ever received: To whom much is given, much is expected.
How do you ensure a balance between work and your personal life: Like most, I multitask and usually have several activities occurring simultaneously. I have tried to restore balance by eliminating activities and things that do not add to my happiness or productivity.
What is your biggest passion: I enjoy building programs, systems and processes, solving problems and creating solutions, particularly as it relates to helping kids!
If you had $1 million to give, what causes would you support: Without question, I would support children. They are our next generation of parents, leaders and professionals, and there are so many wonderful children who need to know that someone believes in them and loves them.
What would most people be surprised to learn about you: Upon finishing four years playing basketball at Creighton, I spent eight years on the radio as a color analyst for the women’s games.
What’s something people should know about your generation in the workplace: My judgment is that compared to generations before us, Gen Yers desire a work/life balance, and are willing to accept whatever may result professionally.