Did you know resignation is a process?
Some people feel that “I quit!” is the best way to resign. It is direct. My suggestion is to consider a manager’s last memory of you is how you departed their company.
The beginning of the resignation process begins when you make the commitment to leave your current employer. You have your reasons for leaving — manager/management, money, team dysfunction, company, hours, no room for advancement, etc. Over the past 40 years as a recruiter, I have heard many more reasons.
Generally, you begin your search with some emotion (sadness or anger). Then you kick your networking into high gear. Interviews begin to appear on your horizon. Finally, you and a manager decide that you have a new home to work. The offer is one you accept, and you are becoming excited about starting with a new organization.
How do I resign?
My suggestion is to resign politely and positively. If you write a letter of resignation, there is less chance of an immediate negative reaction from your manager.
In your letter, thank your manager for the opportunity to work with them. Briefly discuss some of your professional growth. Then tell them that you accepted an offer with “another company.” You are excited about the opportunity for professional growth in this new position (no need to mention the company name). Then tell them your resignation date (give a 2-week notice). Assure the manager that you will transition any work to another team member. Thank them again for the opportunity to work with them.
Sometimes your resignation letter will trigger pressure to accept a counteroffer. Most times, all a counteroffer does is put a money Band-Aid on the larger reason you decided to leave. Consider that metrics demonstrate that 87% of all people who accept a counteroffer are gone in the year after accepting the counteroffer — many not by their choice.
Once you accept an offer, start with your new company when you committed to start. They will be excited to see you — and you will be excited to get started.
You determine your fate with your attitudes and actions
Do you feel the power you have within you in your search for a new career? You have total control of your actions and your attitude. Do not give that power to a naysayer. Act confident and optimistic while you execute your career search strategy. Reach for your moon — your ideal new position and your ideal employer. Networking is the best practice to find a new career.
Bill Humbert with Provocative Thinking Consulting, Inc. is a speaker, talent attraction consultant, career transition consultant and offers training contracts at recruiterguy.com.