The Iowa City Community School District is looking to move sixth graders to North Liberty Junior High School through building additions that would add classrooms and a cafeteria.
Currently, North Central Junior High educates students in seventh and eighth grade in the Coralville and North Liberty area.
Located at 180 East Forevergreen Road, the site plan was unanimously approved Aug. 2 at a North Liberty Planning & Zoning Commission meeting and will soon come before the North Liberty City Council.
The plan calls for construction of classrooms on the west side and a cafeteria addition on the east side of the school, as well as a reconfiguration of the parking lot. A fire lane will stretch around the entire building.
“I think it’s consistent with the building that’s there now,” said Dave Willer, a planning & zoning commissioner. “It’ll be a nice addition.”

Two-story townhouses proposal passes
The commission also accepted and forwarded an application to city council by Dahnovan Holdings to construct eight, two-story four-unit townhouses on the south side of future Harlen Street slightly east of South Kansas Avenue.

After a city council meeting July 26, the city of North Liberty entered negotiations with landowners to acquire two separate areas of land for a new fire station and community park.