The Czech Village New Bohemia Main Street District is rolling out a new online business coaching service, “The Small Business Lab,” for the approximately 200 small businesses in the district. The pilot project is being offered by Main Street Iowa at no cost for one year to 15 local Main Streets across the state.
“2020 has been an unprecedented time to be a small business owner. With a global pandemic, civil unrest, and natural disasters, the curve balls small business owners have had to deal with has been like nothing we have seen in recent history,” said Abby Huff, executive director of Main Street for the Czech Village New Bohemia District, in a release. “But business owners in Iowa are strong and we know they are working hard to move forward. We think this program will be just what a number of our businesses need.”
The program includes coaching by individuals well known for their small business assistance and entrepreneurial abilities, including Jordan Degree of Creative Adventure Lab, Dubuque; Rebecca Undem of Oakes, North Dakota; Eric Dregne, author, speaker and community builder, Dubuque; Wes Hartig, CEO of Med One, formerly of Dayton, Ohio, now of Dubuque; and Rob Reinert of Northwestern Mutual, Dubuque.
“This online service will allow small businesses to talk to business experts virtually about a wide range of topics they are dealing with,” said Monica Vernon, executive director of strategic development for the Czech Village New Bohemia District. “And, they can safely schedule a session at a time that works for them … It’s a great way for us to help businesses with everything that has been thrown at them this year.”
The Main Street District will add the link to their website and include it in their weekly newsletter and other channels of communication. Interested Czech Village New Bohemia Main Street District businesses can also learn more at ruralideas.net/msi-small-business-lab.