UI graduate workers’ union COGS to negotiate wages with Iowa Board of Regents this week

Updated pay schedule, clarification of paid time off policy among list of demands

Members of UI's graduate student worker union COGS gather Wednesday outside the Pentacrest. Wages are not keeping step with inflation and are not sustainable, they say.
Members of UI's graduate student worker union COGS gather Wednesday outside the Pentacrest. Wages are not keeping step with inflation and are not sustainable, they say. CREDIT ANNIE SMITH BARKALOW

University of Iowa graduate student workers are headed to the bargaining table with the Iowa Board of Regents this week.

The Campaign to Organize Graduate Students (COGS) – UE Local 896 Bargaining Team is preparing to introduce a series of contract updates for the 2025-2027 agreement, aimed at addressing compensation, financial security and paid time off for graduate workers.

Following polling of nearly 2,000 graduate employees, the elected representatives are proposing:

  • A 25% wage increase to better reflect the value of graduate workers’ contributions to instruction and research while accounting for rising housing and living costs in Iowa City.
  • An updated pay schedule, with salaries beginning Aug. 1 of each academic year, to alleviate financial uncertainty for incoming graduate employees.
  • The reinstatement of a paid time off provision, with clear and structured guidelines regarding that benefit

“Though they teach the bulk of General Education courses at the University, as well as bring in millions of dollars in research, graduate workers are continually treated as an expendable labor force,” read a statement from COGS. “Since 2017, the State of Iowa, under the governance of Governor Reynolds, has created endless obstacles to labor organizing. The members COGS – UE Local 896, one of the oldest, strongest, and longest surviving public university unions in America, deserve not only recognition, but recompense.”

Under the current agreement – set to expire in June – the minimum salary is set at $21,969 for a 50% academic year appointment and $26,841 for those who are contracted for a 50% fiscal year appointment.

The two entities will meet Feb. 6 at the Iowa Memorial Union on campus at 3:30 p.m.