National Small Business Week Virtual Summit open for registration
Registration is open for the 2024 National Small Business Week Virtual Summit, announced the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and SCORE. Attendance for the...
Microlending opens doors for Corridor entrepreneurs
Modteets Williams stands outside the Roosevelt Building at 200 First Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids, where he plans to open Mod's Market, and urban convenience...
Could your hobby become a viable business?
By Jean Kruse / Guest Column
In my last article, I explained how anyone can get free and confidential mentoring and advice from a SCORE...
SCORE provides help through army of volunteers
By Jean Kruse / Guest Column
Many nonprofit organizations have huge fundraising projects. This is understandable because how else could they exist? SCORE is an...
Avoiding issues over unrelated business income at nonprofits
By Jean Kruse/Guest Column
The success of any nonprofit organization is in large part due to the entrepreneurial vision of the leader, the staff and...
Mistakes to avoid with nonprofit organizations
By Jean Kruse / Guest Column
Designation as a nonprofit organization (NPO) does not mean that the organization cannot make a profit, but rather that...
Why start a nonprofit organization?
By Jean Kruse / Guest Column
The definition of entrepreneur is “a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable...
Mentoring benefits both mentor and mentee
By Jean Kruse / Guest Column
According to the dictionary, a mentor is a “wise advisor.” The word “mentor” originated from Homer’s ancient Greek epic...
How to keep the best employees
By Jean Kruse / Guest Column
You often hear the phrase, “It’s cheaper to keep an existing customer than it is to attract a new...
What a successful business leader looks like
By Jean Kruse / Guest Editorial
We all can all name a successful small business. We do business with them. We rely on their products...