Tag: Greg Dardis
How I built a career out of fear
By Greg Dardis / Guest Column
The class is seared in my memory.
Sophomore year in high school I took a public-speaking class. We spent the...
The importance of finding your why
By Greg Dardis / Guest Column
Longtime readers of this column know I’m a sucker for a good TED talk. There’s the obvious reason: I’m...
The importance of self-improvement
By Greg Dardis / Guest Column
The bestselling author Donald Miller keynoted a four-day seminar in Nashville last fall where he evaluated business owners’ websites...
Five tips for de-cluttering your communication
By Greg Dardis / Guest Column
I received tremendous feedback on my last column about how to spring clean your office. Many Iowa professionals related...
Five tips for de-cluttering your communication
By Greg Dardis / Guest Column
I received tremendous feedback on my last column about how to spring clean your office. Many Iowa professionals related...
The life-changing magic of tidying up
By Greg Dardis / Guest Column
To survey our garage is to glimpse an Iowa family with too much stuff: 10 bike helmets, seven bikes,...
Four ways to cultivate leadership presence
By Greg Dardis / Guest Column
When Ernest Shackleton set out to be the first to cross Antarctica, hundreds of men applied to join the...
8 ways to sharpen the saw in 2018
By Greg Dardis / Guest Column
When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, we tend to gravitate toward certain themes. We vow to get healthy,...
Hashtags & headlines: Keys to better writing online
By Greg Dardis / Guest Column
Here at Dardis Communications, our instructors are receiving an unprecedented number of inquiries about writing for the web, from...
Learning from Mona Lisa: The art of a smile
By Greg Dardis / Guest Column
The cover story of The Atlantic’s November issue offers a fascinating explanation for Leonardo da Vinci’s creative genius: It...