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Tag: Greg Dardis

Toning down gestures during presentations

By Greg Dardis / Guest Editorial You’re the presenter and you’re prepared. You walk to the front of the room, smile, make eye contact and...

Give a better wedding toast with these five tips

By Greg Dardis / Guest Editorial You sip your water, grab your champagne and take the microphone. The din in the room softens and eyes...

Six things to remember before you send

By Greg Dardis/Consulting Have you ever sent an email, only to realize you forgot to state a meeting’s date, failed to include your supervisor or...

Six things to remember before you send

By Greg Dardis/Consulting Have you ever sent an email, only to realize you forgot to state a meeting’s date, failed to include your supervisor or...

Six things to remember before you send

By Greg Dardis/Consulting Have you ever sent an email, only to realize you forgot to state a meeting’s date, failed to include your supervisor or...

Three steps to an effective elevator speech

By Greg Dardis/Consulting Have you ever left a social function with the nagging suspicion that, despite a roomful of smart and successful business people, you failed to exchange...

How to make a winning impression in seven seconds

By Greg Dardis/Consulting We form an impression of someone within seven seconds of meeting. During that time, about as long as it takes a punter to...

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