Occupation: Marketing Director, Quality Care, the Nature Care Company
What’s the best advice you ever received: You don’t build trust and respect by schmoozing with people. You gain trust and respect by being honest, genuine and kind.
What would most people be surprised to learn about you: I’ve bowled a 300 in a league game. I also have a fraternal twin brother, Scott.
What do you know now that you wish you had known earlier in your career: Write down everything, which has to do with your “say-do” ratio. In today’s age, with a lot of information-heavy stuff, if it’s not written down, it tends to be forgotten if it’s more than two or three promises away. Also, make a daily, prioritized to-do list, and have patience when teaching or coaching.
How do you ensure a balance between work and your personal life: Be in the moment when you’re with your family and friends. When you get home, it’s taking the phone out of your pocket, it’s getting down on the floor and playing with your kid. It’s turning off the TV and sitting down at dinner with the family. The little things make a big difference.
What’s something people should know about your generation in the workplace: This generation creates and collaborates better than the previous industrial age worker-bee mentality. You need to give employees goals, then give them space and create ownership to accomplish tasks.
If you had $1 million to give, what causes would you support: I would support nonprofits like the Children’s Cancer Connection, the North Liberty Community Pantry and Make-a-Wish. I’d also support my alma mater’s wrestling programs.
Who are your local mentors: John Langhorne, principal and owner of Langhorne Associates; Leighton Smith, director of client service at BerganKDV; and my wife, Meredith.