Coralville-based IntelliSee, an AI risk mitigation platform that improves the capability of existing surveillance cameras, has been awarded a national group purchasing agreement for weapon detection with Premier, Inc.
Effective June 1, the new agreement allows Premier members to take advantage of special pricing and terms pre-negotiated by Premier for IntelliSee’s AI risk mitigation platform for weapon detection.
“Surveillance cameras are everywhere in our hospitals and clinics now, but they are typically only used as reactive tools. They tell you what happened vs. using them proactively. Now organizations will be able to proactively detect drawn guns in real-time to prevent harm while also detecting common risks like falls, slip hazards, leaks, and more,” said IntelliSee CEO Scott Keplinger in a news release.
IntelliSee is an AI-risk mitigation platform protecting users against day-to-day risks, like slip and falls, while also protecting against potentially catastrophic threats, like active shooters.