Age: 36
Occupation: Vice President of Operations – Skogman Homes
What’s the best advice you ever received?
It was from my grandfather who said, “the harder he worked the luckier he got.”
What do you consider your greatest professional accomplishment?
I was involved in building six new homes in the Wellington Heights area. It was the first time new homes had been built in 50 years within Wellington. I was grateful to be a part of the process and provide six families a new place to call home.
What do you know now that you wish you had known earlier in your career?
You can’t do it alone – it takes a team of people and positive collaboration to make a successful company.
How do you ensure a balance between work and your personal life?
Having kids has created a better balance for me. I look forward to spending time them each night after work and on the weekends.
What’s something people should know about your generation in the workplace?
We are harder working than studies or articles you read in the press suggest, and more charitable with our time and money than people realize.
If you had $1 million to give, what causes would you support?
I would give to the Total Child project. I think what it has done for the kids of Wellington Heights has been remarkable.
What is the biggest issue facing the Corridor?
Attracting and keeping young professionals from moving to places like Chicago or Kansas City.
What do you want to accomplish by the time you are 50?
I want our company to be the largest home building company in the state.
Who are your local mentors?
Kyle Skogman, my father, and president and CEO of Skogman Homes; and retired doctors Larry Helvey and Robert Caldwell.