Seven area nonprofit organizations will receive $600,000 each from the Esther and Robert Armstrong Charitable Trust.
Totaling $4.2 million in philanthropic giving, the nonprofit recipients are: Coe College, Cornell College, the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, St. Paul’s UMC Foundation, the Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church, YMCA of the Cedar Rapids Metropolitan Area and the United Way of East Central Iowa.
“In today’s ever-changing environment for nonprofits, the Trustees feel the organizations themselves are best suited to make the most efficient use of the assets,” said Ron Olson, trustee chair, in a statement.
The Esther and Robert Armstrong Charitable Trust is a nonprofit private foundation set up to ensure that the Armstrongs’ community support would continue after their lifetimes.
The trust was established in 2002 with a board of volunteer trustees to benefit religious, charitable, scientific, literary and educational institutions. Since the trust’s establishment, more than $3 million has been granted to organizations in Linn County and beyond, according to a release.
“I know the Armstrongs would be proud to know that their generosity will live on for generations and go directly to enhancing our community,” said Mr. Olson. “What they generously gave while they were alive continues today in spirit and deeds.”
An exhibit at the History Center in Cedar Rapids highlights the Armstrong family and the Armstrong Department Store that closed in 1991. The display is available through February.