ICR Iowa continues with modifications
CBJ Editorial
Since the pandemic started there has been a noticeable quietness to the region’s economic development strategy.
Six facets of human needs that drive business success
In good economic times and bad, some businesses find a path to success while others are forced to board up their windows and doors. What’s the difference between those that soar and those that flounder?
Website is critical to tell your story
By Anna Patty | Guest Column
The past 12 months have abundantly clarified the importance of telling the story of our nonprofits online and with richer content than ever before. A nonprofit’s website is key to its ability to communicate.
Trucking continues to deliver
By Brenda Neville | Guest Column
One year ago, our lives changed forever when we were all thrust into a pandemic.
Sobering statistics
CBJ Editorial
We were disappointed, but not surprised, that about 12% of Iowa small and medium-sized businesses went out of business and 20% reduced employment due to the pandemic, according to a February survey by Facebook of 227 businesses.
An unprecedented stretch of news
By Joe Coffey | The Fifth Estate
With all due respect to the generations of journalists who practiced their trade here in the Corridor before March 2020, I must say – they didn’t work that hard.
The nature of courageous leadership
By Jennifer Zach | Guest Column
Courageous leadership is a choice, and if there is one thing leaders from around the world agree on, it’s the need for more courageous leaders.
Creative solutions needed to keep workforce in the Corridor
By Jennifer Lawrence | Guest Column
As a CBJ subscriber and 25-year local HR professional, I wanted to reach out to you regarding Toyota’s decision to leave our community, and the comments made in the March 29 CBJ editorial.