UI Health Care updates visitor, face covering guidelines

By CBJ News Staff
[email protected]

University of Iowa Health Care has updated its guidelines for visitors at its patient care locations. The new measures allow for additional visitors for some patients and include a requirement that everyone wear a face covering — a cloth mask or protective face shield — at all times while inside all UI Health Care facilities. Patients and visitors are encouraged to bring their own face mask, and face coverings will also be provided at the entrances to those who need one.

“The safety of everyone inside our facilities remains our top priority,” Suresh Gunasekaran, CEO of UI Hospitals & Clinics and associate vice president for UI Health Care, stated in a press release. “We also recognize that having a loved one present helps the recovery process for patients who are hospitalized and helps reduce stress for patients coming in for surgery or a medical procedure. We are finding the balance for both.”

The following new visitor/support person guidelines went into effect this week:

• Adult inpatients, surgical, and procedural patients: One visitor/support person will be allowed per day for adult patients. Inpatient visiting hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily.

• Pediatric inpatients, surgical, and procedural patients: Two parents/legal guardians will be allowed per day for pediatric patients. To help reduce the risk of infection, pediatric patients hospitalized with COVID-19 will be allowed one parent/legal guardian per day.

For the latest information, visit uihc.org. CBJ