Tag: Sherry Bonelli
Is your business ready for local voice search?
By Sherry Bonelli | Guest Column
Do you find yourself talking to Siri more and more? How about asking Alexa a question? If so, you’re...
What does Google look for when ranking webpages?
By Sherry Bonelli | Guest ColumnÂ
The goal for any business with a website is for it to rank high on Google and get seen...
How Twitter can benefit your business
By Sherry Bonelli / Guest Column
Nearly one-third of the world uses social networks regularly. If your business isn’t actively involved in social media, you’re...
How to build authority in a digital world
By Sherry Bonelli / Guest Column
These days, people go online to look for trusted local businesses they can go to when they need products...
Web surfers trust secure sites – can yours be trusted?
By Sherry Bonelli / Guest Column
With all the news about Facebook’s security and privacy issues, fears of personal information being used for nefarious purposes...
Five ways to give your social media a makeover
By Sherry Bonelli / Guest Column
With just a few changes and a little effort, your social media channels could become the highlight of your...
How to get your new business noticed online
By Sherry Bonelli / Guest Column
As an entrepreneur, you know there are a lot of things you need to think about to keep your...
Optimizing your Google business listing
By Sherry Bonelli / Guest Column
Four out of five consumers use the internet to find local businesses. Are potential customers finding your business online?...
Why are online directories so important?
By Sherry Bonelli / Guest Column
Have you ever looked up a business’ address onÂline, and driven all the way there, only to find that...
Do you tell clients the whole truth?
By Sherry Bonelli / Guest Column
Here is an interesting topic that will no doubt cause a spirited debate among digital marketers. In a recent...