Tag: public speaking
Using fear as fuel in your communication
Traditional public speaking training has failed.
I recently spoke with a potential client who wanted to bring me into a leadership program to improve public...
Six reasons John McCain was an unforgettable speaker
By Greg Dardis / Guest Column
As our nation laid Sen. John McCain to rest, world leaders searched for the right words to pay him...
How I built a career out of fear
By Greg Dardis / Guest Column
The class is seared in my memory.
Sophomore year in high school I took a public-speaking class. We spent the...
Bragging vs. sharing: How to strike the right note
By Greg Dardis / Guest Column
The Miss America pageant that aired earlier this month required, for the first time, that finalists answer not one...
8 practical tips for a political speech
By Greg Dardis / Guest Editorial
If the goal of a presidential announcement is to generate buzz, Donald Trump was a wild success. People are...
3 public-speaking secrets from Joel Osteen
By Greg Dardis / Guest Editorial
Being a talented public speaker can earn you a tremendous income or inspire profound conversations – or do both,...
Don’t miss the chance for a holiday toast
By Greg Dardis / Guest Editorial
I’ve been reading Marlo Thomas’ bestseller, “The Right Words at the Right Time,” and enjoying stories of a message...
Body image and public speaking
By Greg Dardis / Guest Editorial
I have to admit, it appears I gained some sympathy weight during my wife’s recent pregnancy. But now the...
Public speaking 101: the secret to eye contact
By Greg Dardis / Guest Editorial
You’ve seen them all: the dart, the scan, the stare-down. You’d like to pay attention to what the speaker...