Age: 36
Occupation: Assistant Professor, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
What do you consider your greatest professional accomplishments?
Over the last few years my collaborators and I have made major contributions to understanding the neurocircuitry which controls metabolism and thereby obesity, clarifying the mechanisms which initiate the pregnancy-associated disorder ‘preeclampsia,’ and in laboratory technology development.
What do you know now that you wish you had known earlier in your career?
In retrospect, I should have taken more time for sports.
What’s something people should know about your generation in the workplace?
My generation exists in an exciting time wherein the adoption of new technologies allows us to make unprecedented increases in productivity and insight, yet we are also overwhelmed and subjugated to the same technologies.
If you had $1 million to give, what causes would you support?
I would donate those funds to the American Heart Association and American Diabetes Association.
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
A mechanical or chemical engineer or a statistician.
What is the biggest issue facing the Corridor?
Our population and commerce is rapidly outpacing our infrastructure. Convenience is a major virtue and selling-point of the Corridor compared to major cities like Chicago. Why is hard to find parking in a town as small as Iowa City?
What do you want to accomplish by the time you are 50?
I would love to see some of our new diagnostic and research technologies deployed for worldwide use in hospitals and labs, making a real difference in medicine.
Who are your local mentors?
Dr. Curt D. Sigmund, my collaborator and department chair, and Dr. Connie C. Grobe, my wife and longest-term collaborator.