Occupation: Director of Entreprenurial Advancement and Mentor Connections, Iowa City Area Development Group; Founder, BLU Collar Fashion
What’s the best advice you ever received?
Dreams are actually reality if you follow them.
What do you consider your greatest professional accomplishments?
There are probably a ton I could list, but I think for me it’s developing a fashion brand that can be identifiable as it gives our youth something to believe in and our culture a hero. I have used fashion as vehicle to spread a message of positivity and leadership.
What would most people be surprised to learn about you?
Last October I traveled to seven countries in Southeast Asia over a two-week span. I had such a great time that I am going back for two more weeks this October.
How do you ensure a balance between work and your personal life?
I love who I am and very passionate about what I do, so I admit it blends together, but this is what makes my life great. I have found my purpose.
What’s something people should know about your generation in the workplace?
Our youth today are working for experiences and they want as many as they can, so the years of people working for you for 20-30 years are behind us. We need to develop new business models that support that culture.
What is the biggest issue facing the Corridor?
Connection. We have great people in this community. Connection leads to understanding, and with understanding there is love.
Who are your local mentors?
Jeff Milton, and Mark Nolte, president of ICAD Group.