Cedar Ridge Vineyards Winery & Distillery
No. 7 Medium Company
1441 Marak Road NW, Swisher
Cedar Ridge Vineyards Winery & Distillery is a winery, distillery, events center and restaurant located in Swisher. Cedar Ridge offers a full-service kitchen and an event center capable of accommodating as many as 200 guests for any occasion, ranging from business meetings to wedding receptions.
“The beauty of the vineyards and ability to really connect with people make it a cool place to work,” Laurie Quint, who owns the company with her husband, Jeff Quint, stated in an email.
She added that the benefit of being around live music, murder mysteries, and other events make Cedar Ridge a cool place to work.
Monica Berry, Cedar Ridge’s spokesperson, listed a few more reasons why the company is valued by employees.
“We get to contribute to a business that is a pioneer in wine making, distilling and viticulture,” she stated in an email. “When people come to Cedar Ridge they are ready to relax and unwind. This creates a fantastic work environment and the great pleasure of working with cheerful people.”
The company’s employees had more reasons. One employee wrote in a survey,
“The products that we make and sell are exciting to learn about and frankly very cool. This industry is nothing like a boring desk job, it’s always changing and very fast paced.”
Meanwhile, another employee wrote,
“The diversity of background and experiences amongst those who work there, combined with the closeness we have at work, makes going there as exciting as meeting my close friends somewhere. You know coming in that you’ll hear stories funny and sad, help or be helped/supported in your own life’s troubles. All the while efficiently helping the guests understand what we each love about the products and place. That doesn’t even mention how beautiful the view is from anywhere you stand. It is pretty cool how personalities are appreciated and atmosphere is kept laid back by allowing people to wear the clothing of their own style (provided it is appropriate).”
Cedar Ridge was also featured in the Corridor Business Journal’s May 27 issue, when it was named one of the Fastest Growing Companies in the Corridor.
-Gigi Wood