Tag: Jen Neumann
Perform a platform audit to improve performance
By Jen Neumann | Guest Column
It happens every year at budget time. Our accountant hands me a list of software companies and asks, “Are we continuing all of these subscriptions next year?”
Going virtual? Think differently about your event
By Jen Neumann | Guest Column
As organizations are forced to retool traditional events, nearly everything has gone virtual, with varying degrees of success. By...
Location matters equally in online storefront
By Jen Neumann | Guest Column
In an increasingly online world, does location still matter?
Let’s revisit one of the oldest principles of marketing: “place” or...
I just kinda sorta think you should relax about assertive language
By Jen Neumann | Guest Column
Somewhere Sheryl Sandberg just shuddered. According to multiple articles and business books, I undermined my own authority with that...
Supercharge your company with a new CRM
By Jen Neumann | Tech Column
Excel spreadsheets, handwritten notes, emailing yourself details about a customer’s preferences — these are ways that we input and...
Writing for shorter attention spans
By Jen Neumann / Marketing Column
Have you ever shown up for an event or meeting, or even a family dinner, and there’s some important...
Is the open office format bad?
By Jen Neumann / Guest Column
No, but your culture might not be right for it — yet.
A lot of articles are being published about...
A digital marketer’s checklist for GDPR
By Jen Neumann / Guest Column
The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is all about how companies use the personal data of those...
Be curious about automation
By Jen Neumann / Guest Column
It’s graduation season. The announcements are piling up on my desk and a whole new batch of graduates are...