University of Iowa Health Care has opened a new location in Cedar Falls. The new facility, located at 2624 Orchard Drive, brings together in one location UI specialty care services previously available at several locations throughout Waterloo.
Adult services include virology/infectious diseases. Pediatric services include gastroenterology, genetics, hematology, nephrology, neurology, neuromuscular, pulmonology, surgery and urology.
Features of the Cedar Falls location include onsite check-in/check-out and rescheduling, a child-friendly waiting area and ample space for patients and their family members to meet with their care team.
“We’re very proud of our new facility. It will enhance the care we provide to patients and families in Cedar Falls, Waterloo and surrounding communities, and it strengthens our commitment to providing access to care close to home,” Douglas Van Daele, M.D., executive director of UI Physicians, stated in a press release.
To learn more or schedule an appointment, visit https://uihc.org/locations/cedar-falls or call toll-free (800) 777-8442.