Iowa State University to offer online educational program for caregivers

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is offering Powerful Tools for Caregivers, an educational program for caregivers who support spouses, parents or friends with chronic conditions such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

The program is scheduled for every Tuesday for six weeks starting on Oct. 12 and ending Nov. 16. It will last 90 minutes each session.

About 39% of all adult Americans are caring for an adult with a chronic health condition. Caregiving can be detrimental to physical and mental health, ultimately leading to less life satisfaction, says Malisa Rader, a human sciences specialist with Iowa State University.

“Caregivers who thrive, rather than just survive, understand that by taking care of themselves they are better able to provide meaningful care,” she said.

The program, which costs $40 per person, will provide information, support strategies, communication techniques, stress reduction ideas and resources to assist caregivers. The goal is for each person to leave the classes knowing how to administer self-care while still assisting others.